About the project ImproCollBar
The project ImproCollBar, promoted by CITUB, aims to expand the expertise in the field of industrial relations in 5 EU-member states through comparative research of the factors and mechanisms that improve the scope and coverage of collective bargaining in different industrial relations regimes, in the context of the European directive for minimum wages and the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis and research on collective bargaining at EU level will be done by cross-case analysis of the data from Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Italy (and supported by information and relevant materials from Croatia and France) in the context of the EU initiative on adequate minimum wages for all workers, and the Commission Directive on Minimum Wages. The project aims to promote the exchange of information, experience and knowledge among the main actors involved in the industrial relations (social partner organizations) in order to develop and reinforce better industrial relations in Europe, related, in particular, to the functioning and effects of the coordination of collective bargaining across different levels and territories. The project outcomes will contribute for the re-thinking of the strategies of the national Trade Unions aimed to improve collective bargaining in general.
The project duration is 24 months –start date 1st August 2022 and end date 31st July 2024.
Analytic Framework
desk research is applied to expand the scientific understanding of industrial relations and collective bargaining in the beneficiary countries. The associated organisations could also contribute at this stage by providing available information and data. It aims to offer an overview of the socio-economic, political and legal conditions for trade unions, social dialogue and collective bargaining.
this phase includes collection and analysis of statistical data for industrial relations regimes characteristics: distribution of union density across sites and industries, scope, frequency and measures of tripartite and bipartite collective agreements, locations, claims and outcomes of collective disputes and collective actions, including workers’ strikes, demonstrations, symbolic actions, letters and petitions. This part of the analysis will shed light on the general dynamics and characteristics of the development of the industrial relation in the 5 beneficiary countries. In addition, it will help in understanding the relationship between trends of union density and the scope of collective agreements, collective disputes and collective actions.
qualitative analysis with the means of structured interviews with trade unionist and employer representatives, and documents analysis of selected collective agreements, labour disputes and collective actions’ letters, petitions, and declarations in the five beneficiary organisations’ countries.
this phase will include the comparative analysis of the Country reports, including the main conclusions and remarks; Based on the collected data and conducted national research, a Map of Successful Collective Bargaining Practices will be compiled and disseminated at the Final Project Conference, on the websites of the beneficiary and associated organisations